LatinasWIN is an organization composed of volunteers mostly from Latin American origin. The focus of LatinasWIN is to facilitate the access to resources within the educational system, critical to the success of the Hispanic American students and their families.
LatinasWIN was established on April 16, 2011, by the initiative of Dr. Millie Audas.
LatinasWIN, Norman Public School Recognition.
January 12, 2015.
Bilingual Classes.
"The goal of educations is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth"
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
To encourage and aid the educational pursuits of the Hispanic American students and families
in the Norman community
The general objective of the community organization is both educational and charitable. No funds of LATINAS WIN shall be used for any political or religious purposes.
Smile Education Foundation Alliance
If you need more information about LatinasWIN, you can found us on Facebook, YouTube Channel & Instagram
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